Problem booting from Lotharek Rev F in Teletek CP/M Computer

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Problem booting from Lotharek Rev F in Teletek CP/M Computer

Post by ldkraemer »

I'm helping Patrick get Software prepared to boot in a Lotherek Rev F on a Teletek CP/M Computer. I'm using HxC Software
Ver from my build of r1969. I have the Configuration set for "General Shugart" & "Auto" along with "Enable Auto Boot Mode".
Drive A is set for MODE "HFE". The Lotharek is connected by a flat ribbon cable to a 50 to 34 Pin Adapter. The Drive A
switch for ID0A is "ON". I've created the HXCSDEF.CFG file and the floppy_profile.fpf and those have been copied to the
SDCard along with the .HFE files that were created from the TD142.IMD file. (I've created more than one file from several
*.IMD files that are supposed to be bootable.) The Images can be selected from the Lotharek front panel Buttons.

The Floppy Definitions I have for the Teletek are as follows: (cpmtools & libdsk & flashfloppy definitions)

Code: Select all

#BEGIN TEL1  Teletek - SSDD 8" - 256 x 26
# TEL1  Teletek - SSDD 8" - 256 x 26
#diskdef tel1
#  seclen 256
#  tracks 77
#  sectrk 26
#  blocksize 2048
#  maxdir 128
#  skew 6
#  boottrk 2
#  os 2.2
# libdsk data below
#description = TEL1  Teletek - SSDD 8" - 256 x 26
#cylinders = 77
#heads = 1
#secsize = 256
#sectors = 26
#secbase = 1
#datarate = ED

#Flashfloppy configuration
cyls = 77
heads = 1
secs = 26
interleave = 6
bps = 256
id = 1
rpm = 360
#rpm = 300
rate = 250
mode = mfm
iam = no

#BEGIN TEL2  Teletek Systemaster - DSDD 48 tpi 5.25" - 256 x 18
# TEL2  Teletek Systemaster - DSDD 48 tpi 5.25" - 256 x 18
#diskdef tel2
#  seclen 256
#  tracks 80
#  sectrk 18
#  blocksize 2048
#  maxdir 128
#  skew 6
#  boottrk 3
#  os 2.2
# libdsk data below
#ORDER cylinders
#description = TEL2  Teletek Systemaster - DSDD 48 tpi 5.25" - 256 x 18
#sides = outback
#cylinders = 80
#heads = 2
#secsize = 256
#sectors = 18
#secbase = 1
#datarate = DD

#Flashfloppy configuration
cyls = 80
heads = 2
secs = 18
interleave = 6
bps = 256
id = 1
#rpm = 360
rpm = 300
rate = 250
mode = mfm
iam = no

#BEGIN TEL3  Teletek Systemaster - DSDD 96 tpi 5.25" - 256 x 18
# TEL3  Teletek Systemaster - DSDD 96 tpi 5.25" - 256 x 18
#diskdef tel3
#  seclen 256
#  tracks 160
#  sectrk 18
#  blocksize 2048
#  maxdir 128
#  skew 6
#  boottrk 3
#  os 2.2
# libdsk data below
#description = TEL3  Teletek Systemaster - DSDD 96 tpi 5.25" - 256 x 18
#sides = eagle
#cylinders = 160
#heads = 2
#secsize = 256
#sectors = 18
#secbase = 1
#datarate = DD

#Flashfloppy configuration
cyls = 160
heads = 2
secs = 18
interleave = 6
bps = 256
id = 1
#rpm = 360
rpm = 300
rate = 250
mode = mfm
iam = no
My definitions allow me to get Directories of .RAW images with cpmtools (created by Imagedisk Utility IMDU), but not all good file extractions.
I know I don't need the definitions to create the *.HFE files, but it gives you more information on the Images.

The problem is the Teletek doesn't try booting from the Selected Image from the Lotharek. What suggestions would you have to
get the Teletek trying to boot a known good bootable Image from a *.HFE file?


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