Two floppy usage / writing capabilities

HxC Floppy Emulator on Amiga support
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Two floppy usage / writing capabilities

Post by Calinoux57 »

Le "SD Floppy Emulator" peut émuler 2 floppy, mais à quoi cela sert-il ?
Sont-ils accessibles tous les deux en même temps par l'Amiga ?
Sont-ils utilisables tous les deux en même temps par le Workbench ?
Quelles sont les différences d'utilisation en écriture sur le modèle "SD" et le modèle "USB" ?
Lorsqu'un ADF est "monté", peut-on écrire dessus ?

The "SD Floppy Emulator" can emulate two floppy, but what is the usage?
Are they accessible both at the same time for the Amiga?
Are they used both at the same time by the Workbench?
What are the differences writing using the model "SD" and model "USB"?
When an ADF is "mounted" Can we write it?
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Re: Two floppy usage / writing capabilities

Post by AW99 »

Advantage of two floppys is, that you dont need to change disks so often in games which have more than one disk. Lots of Amiga games have two disks and support a second floppy. In this games you dont need to change disks then, while somebody with just one floppy must change, always when the game wants the other disk. And this can be often in some games, which then is little bit annoying.

Also in Workbench you can use two disks then and read/write from/to them. Both floppys are accessible. The Amiga can support up to four floppys at the same time. But remember, that the Gotek provides only one floppy, while the real HxC provides two.

If you mean with the question ""When an ADF is "mounted" Can we write it?"" if you can write an adf to a real disk, then the answer is YES, if you have an external floppy connected as DF2. You can copy between diskimages and real disks with normal Amiga copy-programs. For copying a real disk on a diskimage (adf_hfe) "X-Copy TNG" with Verify-ON is recommended and copying should be only between DF0 and DF2.
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Re: Two floppy usage / writing capabilities

Post by Calinoux57 »

Si l'ADF de la disquette "Workbench" est chargée en DF0, et l'ADF de la disquette "Extra" est chargée en DF1, peut-on copier/supprimer/modifier des fichiers sur les deux floppy ?

Dans quel magasin web puis-je être certain de trouver le véritable HxC avec la dernière version du firmware ?
"" est-il le bon fournisseur ?

If the ADF floppy "Workbench" is loaded in DF0, and ADF Disk "Extra" is loaded in DF1, can I copy / delete / edit files on the two floppy?

On whitch web store can I be sure to find the true HxC with the latest firmware?
The "" is the right provider?
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Re: Two floppy usage / writing capabilities

Post by AW99 »

Calinoux57 wrote:If the ADF floppy "Workbench" is loaded in DF0, and ADF Disk "Extra" is loaded in DF1, can I copy / delete / edit files on the two floppy?
Yes. It`s the same, like if you would use the normal intern Diskfloppy of the Amiga (DF0) and a connected external Diskfloppy (DF1). Then you can also copy/read/write on both disks. Same when the HxC emulates two floppys.
Calinoux57 wrote:On whitch web store can I be sure to find the true HxC with the latest firmware?
The "" is the right provider?
The official producer and seller of the normal HxC hardware is Lotharek. Look here:

The Gotek is sold by lots of different sellers. Look at Ebay or Google.

And here is the Homepage of the HxC, there you also find all Firmwares:
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